Saturday, December 19, 2015


Wow, hard to realise & admit that I haven't updated my blog since March 2014...

I fought-back against FaceBook but with a daughter in Jamaica (back then) and another one in Dubai (now), it was much easier to keep in touch with FB.  Along with that, it was much easier to post about just about anything with FB, including topics normally reserved for my blog, such as kayak-camping trips, hiking & snowshoeing expeditions.  As a result, easy won over better, and my blog lost out.

What I needed was some "incentive" to update my blog.  I may finally have it (subject to confirmation).  The lack of better suggests may result in Santa delivering a Sunnto Traverse under our Christmas tree with my name on it.  The built-in GPS and recording will hopefully track my adventures in 3-D.  I've heard good things about Sunnto's MovesCount site that will hopefully allow me to share my adventures with blog readers with 3D (or 2D) maps.  Hopefully (I haven't read-up on all the details yet), I'll be able to integrate pictures from my GPS equipped camera into the MovesCount maps.

Stay tuned, keep your fingers crossed, and I may be back in January with more posts on this blog.  I have so many posts that I could add from past adventures since March 2014 that blogging could end up being a full-time job.  Unfortunately I'm not retired yet and that means it could take me a while to fully update my blog.

Thanks for being patient, hopefully I haven't lost too many of my regular followers.

Holiday greetings to all!